Above - Guro Ollie getting his promotion to Full Instructor Level 6 (Master), from Grand Master Gil Lafantaisie (right) and Grand Master Daniel G. Rutano (Left) in 2013.

Lead Instructor - Guro Ollie

Guro Ollie began his martial arts training in 1975, when he began his simultaneous study of Modern Arnis and Goju Ryu Karate.  After 10 intense years of studying these arts, he attained his black belts in both martial arts.

In 1995, Guro Ollie began studying the Filipino martial art of Rutano Estokada under its Founder, Grand Master Daniel G. Rutano. After 18 years of studying Rutano Estokada, Guro Ollie achieved the rank of Full Instructor Level 6 (6th Degree Black Belt) - Master, on November 10, 2013, receiving his rank directly from Grand Master Daniel Rutano and the System's official Inheritor, Grand Master Gilbert Lafantaisie.

Guro Ollie is currentaly and affectionately known as the "caretaker" of the Rutano Estokada System under Grand Master Gil LaFantaisie.

Guro Ollie created the Salvador Arnis system in 2016 by combining his tactical skills as a long-time international high-risk security contractor with his Rutano Estokada and Modern Arnis systems.

Above - Guro Ollie (Left)  and Grand Master Gil LaFantaisie (Right)

Guro Ollie is also the Founder of the Philippine Warrior Arts Society (PWAS).  PWAS is a register non-profit society dedicated to preserving and promoting all styles and systems of Filipino martial arts.  Guro Ollie, along with Agalon Herald Casana of the Pekiti Tirsia Kali system of Filipino martial arts formed the group in 2012 and had its first Gathering.  Since that time, PWAS has held annual Gatherings each year, where different instructors and masters of Filipino martial arts are invited to teach their respective style or system of Filipino martial arts in a spirit of brotherhood, community, and respect.  Guro Ollie and Agalon Herald continue to grow PWAS with the hopes of being able to promote the Filipino martial arts on a national and international scale.

From Left to Right: Agalon Herald Casana (Pekiti Tirsia Kali), Grand Master Dante Alambra (Burokil Alambra Arnis De Mano/Sikaran), Master Dastin Alambra (Burokil Alambra Arnis De Mano/Sikaran), Guro Ollie (Rutano Estokada/Salvador Arnis).

From Left to Right: Guro Jason MacLeod (MacLeod Progressive Arnis, Guro/Tuhon Dan Inosanto (Inosanto Kali - Guro Inosanto is also the man who helped Bruce Lee learn his weapons skills!), Guro Ollie (Rutano Estokada/Salvador Arnis), Agalon Herald Casana (Pekiti Tirsia Kali), Sifu Francis Fong (Wing Chun).

Guro Ollie has also been a tactical trainer for security, law enforcement and military professionals.  He has worked in the security industry for over 25 years and has provided security and tactical training to professionals all over the world since 1997 in tactical edged weapons, impact weapons, executive protection, high-risk close protection, and private-sector special operations.

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